Soul Sanctuary
Guided Meditation: Becoming the Vessel for Creation
Digital downloadA guided invocation designed to support you in gently opening the channel to your innate creativity and embracing your unique expression.
Masterclass: Voicing Your Needs & Desires to Men
Digital downloadThis 80-minute masterclass will support you in speaking your needs cleanly & clearly in all interactions with men, whether you are dating, being courted, or already in union with your beloved.
Lucid: Resensitizing the Rose Body of Womankind
CourseResensitizing the Rose Body of Womankind: a 4-part journey restoring feminine sensation, sobriety, and satiation
Guided Meditation: Embody Your Feminine Longing
Digital downloadThis guided practice will help you expanding your capacity to experience and hold your longings without collapsing, so that you can experience the fulfillment of your yearnings.
Guided Meditation: Drop Into the Safety & Intuition of Your Womb
Digital downloadThis 20-minute guided meditation is to support you in feeling held, at all times, from within. Listen to it to be guided out of your mind & down into the origin point of your inner safety & your power: your womb.