Recorded in Costa Rica, with gorgeous, healing singing bowls to drop you in gently

This meditation sets the space for you to ask questions of your own inner Knowing

Let yourself rest, build sacred trust, ease, and spaciousness throughout your body

Warm words from ladies who have journeyed with this meditation

"Your womb meditation is so beautiful. I'm doing it every morning now to anchor myself down and there have been so many shifts. There is so much stuff that is just leaving my system without me having to 'do' anything." -Cora "I have to say the womb drop in meditation REALLY and I mean REAAAALLLLYY has started to shift things for me. 1) I can feel the magnetism of my womb with my hand on my womb very strongly now, physically not just energetically. 2) My womb started talking back at me which she hasn't done in a LOOOONG time." -Kira "Finally found space for the guided womb meditation and it was beautiful! I'm going to try to integrate it in daily - I can tell there is a lot there for me to sit with & l've been looking for something that feels accessible to help me sit in the void on the regular." -Mel "Today I did your womb drop-in meditation and I felt a fire in my womb. A fire where I dropped all of my doubts, fears, & non-truths into it. Where I released all that I am not by burning them therefore ceasing them from existence. Which allowed me to see all the ways I have kept quiet and "filtered" myself at the expense of others. And now that I see them I can intentionally speak up and stop filtering myself for others! I wanted to share bc I believe there is so much potency in your meditations & in the way you see the world. I've done this meditation countless times & it always invokes something within me. A remembrance. I believe that fire was awoken within me this morning during my meditation. So I thank you, for sharing your wisdom with the world." -Carolina "I purchased your meditation a few days ago and loved it! So soothing! I actually fell asleep." "Hi! I purchased your womb meditation several months ago and I have been consistently listening to it... but lately I have been feeling super connected and I have these waves of emotions that like just wash over me. I can't put it into words but it's like the most amazing yet simultaneously scariest thing. It's like a warmth and love I can't explain but I can tell it's connected to my womb." -Megan

Mythic Feminine

Ginger Kern is a writer, mentor, and guide for women on the path of the Devotional Feminine. She is the root of @Mythic.Feminine, an ecosystem supporting women in nourishment & union with men. Her work supports women in restoring sovereignty, soulfulness, and full-range embodiment of Truth in service of Life.

Drop into your womb & discover the well of wisdom within

...blessing your journey down the spiral staircase & into the seat of your deepest Knowing...
