Beginning at the June Solstice

An intimate 4-month journey, Chalice is for radically intelligent women who are templated for deep, devotional, multidimensional service to Man & to Life itself. Chalice is designed in service of your physical + soulful vibrancy, and your lasting eros & legacy in Union.

If you are drawn to Chalice...

you likely experience these rather intense desires in your soul, heart, and womb:

⚜️ to build & birth a future in Union with your beloved

⚜️ to consummately merge with him; body, heart, & soul — in this life and the next...

⚜️ to evoke the highest in your man

⚜️ to be kept by him financially, even whilst you are fully capable of generating wealth yourself

⚜️ to powerfully serve a life-giving legacy, rich in love, family, & impact

⚜️ to offer all of yourself, all the textures of your Woman onto the altar of your Union

⚜️ to nourish one man in the specific, replenishing ways meant for him and his battlefield

⚜️ to serve God through your man and through your shared destiny as his beloved Consort

You may also be experiencing fears around:

⚔️ Your own power (you've heard you were "too much" for other men... but you know this is connected to your massive devotional wellspring)

⚔️ The impact of your essence (you haven't yet mastered how to bring your fire, emotions, or oracular calibration to him in a way that is generative, especially in pre-marriage contexts)

⚔️ Allowing the small-self parts of you to die and giving all of yourself to one man

⚔️ How to fortify your union against energy leaks, knowing that any high-caliber man will always have 'other options' (particularly if you are not married yet)

⚔️ The magnitude and worldliness of your man and your capacity to receive all of who he is & who he is becoming!

These desires & fears are simply invitations...

to begin this journey in refining yourself as the consummate asset to a powerful, worldly man & owning your oracular nature. Chalice is an opportunity to prepare for and enrich your Union on a deeply oracular, *spiritual and physical* level. To ready your body-mind to receive him and amplify his mission through your ongoing mastery of the Devotional and Erotic Arts.

The Chalice Curriculum

Across 4 months we will journey through the following modules:

Module 1: The Well 

✨ Becoming the Well-Watered Woman

~ Guest Teacher Martine DeLuna @femininityandfreedom ~

✨ Nourishing our Divine Primordial Fluids: blood, amrita, sweat

✨ The Bidirectional Promise of Being the Chalice

Module 2: The Fire & The Beast

✨ Loving Logos: Archetypes of Worldly Men & How to Honor Them

✨ Duty & Devotion: Keeping the sacred flame of male virility alight

✨ Receiving the Predator in him & living as his ‘Sacred Prey’

Module 3: The Gold & The Dome 

✨ The Root of Money

✨ Receiving, holding, circulating, & stewarding wealth

✨ The Dome of the Father: multidimensional provision of the masculine

✨ "Leakless Union": building a Cathedral of Love

~ Guest Teacher Julia Sophia Ryu ~

Module 4: The Veil & The Garden

✨ The Secret Architecture of the Veil & the Cloak

~ Guest Teacher Autumn Rose @embodyjaguar ~

✨ Unified Creation of Logos & Eros: offerings from beyond the Veil & birthing the Golden Child

✨ The infinite woman in the Garden of Eden: ‘He is consummately satisfied, She is consummately expressed’

✨ Tending to our Gaian bodies, serving the Greening of the Wasteland

Additional Inclusions:

✨ 7 “Fluid & Flow” Splits & Mobility Classes* to increase your capacity to hold sensation & actively surrender into discomfort, within your range, and transmute sensation into physical bliss.

*Mobility classes are mandatory insofar as they are a physical complement to the energetic transmissions and greatly support your practical application AKA literal embodiment of this body of work. Classes will accommodate all fitness levels.

~ Guest Teacher Emi Preston @aguaisbae ~

✨ Custom Ritual Alchemy Gift by @sovereignsoulmedicine

✨ Optional VIP Add-On

Opportunity to add 1:1 Mentorship Sessions with Ginger (and Shane) if desired.

Whilst Chalice will be a nonlinear journey rich with nuance & personal variation...

my intention & prayer is for you to experience:

🔥 A renewed and deepened sense of your oracular capacity and connection to Truth

🔥 Rituals for deepening in mystical connection with yourself and your Beloved

🔥 A fortified sense of your innate power & divinely-backed agency

🌹 Embodied knowledge of yourself as the throne-seat on which his/His Kingdom is built 

🌹 Knowing yourself (literally and metaphorically) as the Holy Grail, beloved daughter of the Great Mother

🌹 A nourishing and reverent energetic posture towards men and the Masculine

🔥 Life-giving internal adjustments across 4 months which could otherwise take years

🔥 Being received by a high-caliber sisterhood in the full range of what is alive within you & your Union

🔥 A web of women, including masterful guest teachers, who bring their whole hearts in service of Union & Truth

🌹 A renewed sense of power & magnetism in your aura & supple body that knows and remembers how to See through the Veil (whilst maintaining shielded energy)

🌹 Make peace with the bigness of your Feminine yearning and playing a big game in life

🌹 A deepening of personal responsibility & refinement of your oracular Voice in service of your (future) Husband and the Legacy you will create together.

The Finer Details, FAQ, & Inclusions

We begin at the Solstice in June.

🌀 This journey will be ~16 weeks and will include seven immersive live teaching transmissions on the Consort Template, Sacred Union, and Generative Erotic Circuitry (Inner & Outer Life Force) in line with the above modules. These calls will run for approximately 2 hours each, with time for Q&A.

Call times TBD based on the location of Chalice women; Call days/times may vary per week.

All calls will be recorded & you will receive access to replays.

🌀 Chalice will also include 2 integration calls, 4 Feminine Christic guest teachers, and 7 sessions of somatic "Fluid & Flow" classes (90 min. each).

🌀 Enrollments are by application to ensure group coherence. Pricing details & payment plans for the 4-figure investment are detailed in the application. 

Payment is NOT due at the time of application, but IS required to hold your place. 

There are limited spaces available for this journey. 'Early bird' pricing ends May 31st. Regular enrollment pricing will then be open until June 14th. 'Last-minute bird' enrollment pricing will be until June 20th, the day our journey begins.


Dear ladies,

Thank you in advance for honoring your body's timing in your own decision-making process; please do not allow perceived scarcity or any sense of "rushing" to dictate how and when you apply for Chalice. If it is true for you to apply, please apply. You do not need to know how the journey ends in order to begin it with integrity & power.

I trust your deepest knowing implicitly. Your sovereignty of choice matters to me more than anything else. Feel what is true, and act from there. ❤️

If you have questions, please reach out to me @mythic.feminine on Instagram.

In service to Union & Truth,


Feeling the call to Chalice?

You are invited to journey through the application below.

Your Chalice Guide

Ginger Kern

Ginger is a mentor and guide for women on the path of the Devotional Feminine. Ginger's approach is rooted in sovereignty, soulfulness, and full-range embodiment. Her advanced work helps women restore right relationship to men and masculine principles in service of Union and Legacy with men worthy of worship. She is most fulfilled by helping women to reclaim the innate safety, potency, and discernment of their wombs, and re-member their rightful, oracular nature as Woman. Ginger is in service to Union & Truth; in this lifetime and the next.

Guest Instructors

Martine DeLuna

Martine De Luna is the Beloved, Queen and Consort to Ton for almost two decades, and Mother of Vito and Krista. For thirteen years, Martine has been a Facilitator (certified life coach), but her deepest service is as Stewardess of the Bio-Logical Codes of the Female Body and Respecting the Masculine in Men. From being en-trained within the territory of “masculine principles”, to being led by God Himself down AND in-to the waters of the “deep Feminine”, the feral-biological realms of brain & body, and the de-construction of the mind-body connection religious programming and sexual shame, Martine is in sacred devotion to: 1) the Truth of Natural (Godly) Law and the Principles of the Dome & Territory, 2) the Re-memberance of our Feelable Woman and 3) the Approval of our Female Templating, in every phase of Feminine Initiation of the Body (from Menarche to the Completion of the Mater/Motherhood Contract with Nature).

Julia Sophia Ryu

“I am the flowering garden of abundance, I am the over-flowing fountain of gratitude, I am the place where darkness meets golden sunrise. I am the Empress, the Angel of Love.“ I am in form at this time for one purpose: to become the portal of love and eros for The Beyond to flow through. I was called to grant access to this portal to one worthy, truly great and powerful man of this Earthly realm. And so it is that I am Consort, Wife and Lover to Marcus Ryu. My temporary human life is an offering of devotion, my heart beats and my lungs breathe for the purpose of being the sacred keeper of this garden of love, the living portal to The Beyond. By choice, my existence is extremely private. My gift is offered as a living prayer and witnessed only by those who choose to be in physical presence with me. So it is with the highest discernment and true honour that I step out of my temple to answer the call and to be of service for the very first time in the digital realm, here with you in Chalice.

Autumn Rose

I am a mother, storyteller and feminine embodiment guide, living and breathing in humility with my family in the deep jungles of Costa Rica. Since I was a child, I have been in communication with the spirits, ancestors and descendants that live in this realm among us, yet go unseen. I’ve always been able to see and hear them. I have served women for 13 years, midwifing them across the sacred thresholds of death and rebirth. I have spent years sitting at the feet of wise elder grandmothers… listening, learning, remembering. And I have placed my vessel in the hands of God… I have released my dream to be a vessel for the dream Holy Mother-Father God has for me. It is my prayer that all women melt the ice around their wombs and come home to the center of their lives, where they can take up space and enjoy sharing who they truly are with the world.

Emi Preston

Emi is a Keeper of Body Temple Arts. A jester at heart, her desire is to serve God through her physical vessel. Emi is a disciple of the body, initiated most deeply into the disciplines of Mongolian contortion & Ghosh yoga. Emi humbly bows before her teachers, Gunnar Field & Whitney McCormick, respectively. Emi's offering is in service to the Christed Body of the Fae: to re-member one's body temple as the primary seat of the Lord, and most sublime instrument of worship. Her classes serve as entrainment to the true meaning of entertainment: performance that calls witnesses to believe. She has been blessed with eagle eyes that seek out and annihilate victimhood and painbody-stories. She sees your true form, whether you are currently in approval of it or not. Her methods are precise, responsive, and rehabilitative. Her students often speak to amazing and unexpected shifts in soma and psyche, simply from showing up to class once a week.

If you feel a YES in your body

Please fill out your application for Chalice below